When I first met Nirav, he had a vision. A vision which I could resonate with. A vision that will change the game called the Indian Blogosphere.
I want to be…
My first attempt at a poem. Wrote this in a jest as this is something he wants to tell she. 🙂
Fooled by…
The Heart and the games it plays.
Do you listen to you heart always? In the current times, I don’t think it is wise to do that. Why?
A Mirage
You fall head over heels and then you realize its all a mirage…
My Yearly Ode with Shantivan
Shantivan – The place where you you find happiness and peace and the place where I see my grandfather in every senior citizen living there.
The first time I saw you – He and She Conversations.
The rains are here! The perfect season for a very interesting confessional conversation between He and She.
The story of He and She: Midnight Conversations.
It is a beautiful Friday night. He and She after a long walk crash down in the lawns and look at the full moon. A conversation happens:
My Punto’s 3rd birthday
My Punto turned 3 yesterday. 🙂 One of the best cars I have ever driven. We have a long way to go. 🙂